Priority of the Ministry
- Rehabilitated garage for maintaining and repairing of government transport
- Rebuild fuel station for Burco and Hargeisa, for government transport.
- Established the transportation association which will be under the Somaliland transportation umbrella
- Improve the technology of the Ministry to be easy the accessibility of information of transports of Somaliland;
- Establish data warehouse center
- Establish road safety council
- Setting the national transports policy
- Setting and amendment of legal and regulations of the Ministry;
- Creating school of boat building and navigation training;
- Improve the employee’s skills and capability;
- Prepare competent public transport drivers test and examination;
- Register and certify school drivers and transportation association;
- Construction of new roads and bridge.
- Rehabilitations of roads and bridge.
- Design of feasibility study for roads
- Contribution of community roads